Tail of dragon by Blue Ridge Parkway
O objetivo deste página é deixar registrados os sites pesquisados para futuras referências. Inicialmente será dividido em duas partes, uma Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP) e outra Tail of Dragon (TOD)
Resumo do percurso
Day | Km | time | Hotel Reserva | from - to |
17/6 | 353 | 3h30 | Confort Inn | Montreal - Albany |
18/6 | 563 | 5h20 | Quality Inn | Albany - Chamberburg |
19/6 | 372 | 5h30 | Quality Inn | Chamberburg - Waynesburg (entre skyline e BRP) |
20/6 | 338 | 5h00 | N | Waynesburg - Hillsvile |
21/6 | 315 | 5h00 | N | Hillsvile - Asheville |
22/6 | 248 | 3h30 | Chalet | Asheville - Louisville (TN)- chegada ao TOD |
23/6 | 246 | 3h45 | Chalet | Cherohala ride (passa pelo TOD) |
24/6 | 172 | 2h30 | Chalet | Devil triangle ride |
25/6 | - | - | Chalet | day free |
26/6 | 332 | 4h00 | N | Louisville - Shady Valley |
27/6 | 582 | 5h30 | N | Shady Valley - Williamsburg (autoroute) |
28/6 | 563 | 5h20 | N | Williamsburg - virginia beach (visita museu) |
29/6 | - | - | N | free day |
30/6 | 353 | 3h30 | N | Virginia Beach - Atlantic city |
01/7 | - | - | N | Free day |
02/7 | 423 | 4h00 | N | Atlantic city - Albany |
03/7 | 353 | 3h30 | N | Albany - Montreal |
Skyline Drive (SD) = 175km, Shenandoah National Park, velocidade: speed limit is 35 miles per hour (56 km/h), mais de 75 mirantes
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyline_Drive
- Park: http://www.visitskylinedrive.org/Home.aspx
- Motards Sur La Route: http://motardssurlaroute.com/blue-ridge-skyline-drive/
- mapa: http://www.nps.gov/shen/planyourvisit/upload/whole_park.pdf
- Caverna (GPS 101 Cave Hill Road,Luray, VA 22835): http://luraycaverns.com/
- Overlook List: http://www.skylinedriveoverlooks.com/skyline-drive-overlooks-shenandoah-national-park/
- Site do park Blue Ridge - http://www.nps.gov/blri/index.htm
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Ridge_Mountains
- Mapa: http://www.virtualblueridge.com/maps/
- Boas dicas e várias referencias http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/blue-ridge-parkway-motorcycle-easy-riding
- site TOD: http://tailofthedragon.com/
- Devils - http://devilstriangletn.com/
fontes a seguir
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Scenic_Byway
Kit de viagem:
- protetor solar
- repelente
- Power bank (bateria reserva)
- óculos de sol
- Dolar americano
- Celular DATA USA? Data Pre-paid dataVerizon. http://www.verizonwireless.com/prepaid/
Dicas interessantes:
from: http://motardssurlaroute.com/blue-ridge-skyline-drive/
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